Duck Wellington

Duck Wellington
- Season the duck breast with pepper. Sear in a heated sauté pan on high, each side for 2 minutes, set aside to cool.
- Sauté mushrooms with thyme & garlic powder until soft, set aside.
- Cover prep table with a sheet of saran wrap. Place the prosciutto across the wrap. Spread mushroom mix over prosciutto. Place the duck in the middle of the mixture.
- Take one end of the wrap and take it over to the other side covering the duck completely. Place in cooler for 1 hour.
- Slack out puff pastry. Un-wrap the duck and place on the right side of the sheet. Stretch the sheet over and clamp shut with your fingers.
- Brush the pastry with egg wash and bake until pastry is light brown and flaky.
- Let rest for 5 minutes, slice off thin layer on each end, then slice in the middle. Place on plate with duck facing up. Ladle sauce over each piece, place on fresh oregano and serve.
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 3/4 tsp garlic, powder
- 1 tsp thyme, ground
- 2 oz demi glaze
- 1 - duck, breast(s)
- 5 oz Peak Fresh Produce® Mushroom(s), finely chopped
- 6x6 - puff pastry squares
- 3 slices Roma® Prosciutto