They may come and go, but industry trend forecasts for the new year are following 2022’s cautious, conscientious approach.

With the pandemic slowly creeping into the rearview mirror, restaurants are continuing to approach things with a sense of community and caution. Sure, jackfruit is starting to appear on menus everywhere, but what’s really trending these days seems to be a continuation of more operational approaches that fit under wider umbrellas of our more conscious, mindful age.

Sustainability Keeps Going

This could be the understatement of the decade, but sustainability practices and the exciting, new product developments that hit the headlines in 2022 will follow us into the new year and beyond. As more and more plant-based proteins come online—as well as future exciting developments in scientifically-grown meats, offering these varieties as menu options not only allow diners to make more healthful decisions on their eating habits, but convey a broader public relations layer to your business strategy as well. It’s a win-win.

A Sober Approach to Alcohol

Mocktails were so on trend in 2022 that alcohol-free bars are now actually a thing. While spirits in fact provide the highest profit margin for restaurants, don’t shy away from alcohol-free libations that add that little something extra to the experience, with fresh juices, local ingredients, and beautiful garnishes.

Explore the market of alcohol-absent spirits to give guests the depth of taste of a gin or whiskey. And as far as pricing goes, quality alcohol-free cocktails take every bit of clever creativity and ingenuity as their boozy cousins, so don’t look at your program as a markdown category.

Wide Open Spaces

Finally, outdoor sidewalk seating areas continue to trend in many locales. Keep in mind, however, that the goal of these spaces has somewhat changed—from safety to comfort. If you want to keep fannies in those seats throughout the inclement seasons, comfort is key. Protect your guests with side-coverings, heat lamps, and even blankets for coziness. Up the ante on décor, offer warm drinks to start, and build it up as an experience to celebrate—and you just might find this revenue stream continuing into the future.

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