There's no better way to wash away winter than with a thorough spring cleaning — but we're not just talking about wiping down the baseboards here. Whether you have a patio to prep or a menu to rejuvenate, spring is the time to optimize operations for the busy summer ahead!

Patio Preparation

As soon as warmer weather hits, the crowds flood social media looking for the best patio to kick back on, so hit the ground running. Replace or repair any worn awnings, umbrellas, cushions, or curtains. Ensure your gas lines and heaters are working properly for nighttime ambience.

Do any of your tables need to be repaired or re-stained? Dig out any old root balls in your planters and shop for multitasking plants — herbs and edibles that, sure, add to the vibe but also repel bugs or can be snipped for refreshing cocktails. Wash all glassware and tools so everything is good to go when Mother Nature says she's ready.

Menu Modernization

Technology has already revolutionized the way we dine, and restaurant menus are only set to get more and more digitized. A recent survey showed nearly 80% of respondents still favor QR code menus, so take this time before the busy summer season to integrate tech into your ordering systems. Menu Designs offers no-touch QR code tech, making dish updates and price changes throughout the day easy without the hassle of having to pull, print, and laminate a full house of new menus. Menuetta also offers digital menu boards and menu integration across multiple platforms — as well as online ordering that goes directly to the kitchen printer.

As people gravitate toward more touchless transactions, using a digital payment system at the tail end of the meal is also ideal. A recent study conducted by Square revealed that QR code-based payments result in a 15% increase in table turnover.

Plate Personalization

Beyond just accessibility, technology also allows for data analytics to play a huge role in how we cater to our guests. By utilizing tools such as guest surveys and information gathering — two key features of OpenMenu — restaurants can hyper-personalize menus to individual preferences and dietary restrictions. No need to take up valuable menu space listing vegan options for those who aren't interested. Once you have a feel for guests’ individual tastes, needs, and even budget, it’s easier to tailor your digital menus to not only maximize your profit, but most importantly their satisfaction.

Sustainable Optimization

A recent poll showed that more than 40% of diners are willing to pay more for food that prioritizes sustainability efforts. Spring clean your styrofoam and upgrade to more eco-friendly packaging. Take stock of your kitchen and see where you can implement more energy-efficient appliances, cut down on food waste with an in-house compost program, or reduce water usage. Dream up programs that give back to guests when they bring their own to-go ware, for example. Most importantly, share these efforts on social media and try to involve guests in ways that will make them feel like they are doing their part right along with you.

Spring cleaning is more than just clearing dust. When combined with optimized technology and updated menus, you, your staff, and guests can have the fresh start you need just in time for busy season!

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