Bacio Potato Bites


  1. Make 1/2-inch cubes with Bacio block.
  2. Make 10 even-sized mashed potato balls.
  3. Cut mashed potato balls in half.
  4. Place one cheese cub in one half of one mashed potato ball then cover with the other half. Repeat until all are done.
  5. Roll each ball in flour, place in egg wash, then roll in bread crumbs and set aside.
  6. Place in fryer until golden brown.
  7. Place on plate, add desired dipping sauce, serve.


  • 10 1/2-inch cubes Bacio® Cheese Block, Whole Milk Mozzarella
  • 3 oz. bread crumbs, dry
  • 3 oz. egg wash
  • 3 oz. flour, all-purpose
  • 6 oz. West Creek® Potatoes, Mashed