Cubano Loaded Fries


  1. Prepare the Lamb’s Supreme® 1/2” Concertinas® to manufacturer’s directions.
  2. Heat pulled pork and chopped ham. Plate fries with pulled pork and chopped ham.
  3. Spread chopped dill pickle on fries.
  4. Drizzle fries with mayonnaise and ground mustard.
  5. Sprinkle Cuban spice blend (optional).


  • 8 oz. Lamb Weston Stealth Fries® 3/8 Regular Cut Skin-On Fries
  • 2 oz. BBQ pulled pork
  • 2 oz. ham, chopped
  • 1 pickles dill, chopped
  • 1 oz. mayonnaise
  • 1 oz. mustard, ground