Mashed Red Skin Potatoes


  1. Wash and scrub the potatoes thoroughly. If necessary, cut into 2" pieces before adding to a small pot and covering by at least 1" of cold water. Salt the water to barely the taste of sea water.
  2. Over a medium-high setting bring the pot to a boil. Turn the potatoes down to a gentle simmer and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until tender and cooked through. Strain the potatoes and allow them to rest while excess moisture is removed via steam.
  3. Separately, either in a microwave or in small pots on the stove top, melt the butter and warm the milk. Taking care not too scald the milk. Mash, rice, or process the potatoes back into the pot they were cooked in. Gently fold in the melted butter, followed by the warm milk. Season with kosher salt if necessary.


  • 2 lbs. potato(es), red skin
  • 6 fl. oz. Milk
  • 3 oz. unsalted butter
  • 2 tbsp Kosher salt