Prepare cake according to package directions for full sheet.
Bake in Convection oven at 300°F for 23-28 minutes rotating one half-turn after 7 minutes, or in a Standard oven at 325°F for 28-33 minutes.
Crumble 1 lb. cake into mixer bowl, freezing remaining cake for later use.
Add ready to spread chocolate fudge icing.
Mix on medium speed using paddle attachment until completely combined, approximately 2 minutes.
Portion using #40 scoop, rounding each portion and insert lollipop stick into each portion, approximately ¾ of the way into cake ball, before placing on parchment lined sheet pan to set.
Freeze until firm, approximately 1-2 hours.
Combine vanilla crème ready to spread icing and peanut butter and heat until melted. Dip each cake pop into melted icing by holding it by the lollipop stick and immersing it into the melted icing. Hold over icing bowl to excess icing to flow off, approximately 30 seconds.
Sprinkle with chopped nuts before icing is set.
Insert sticks of cakes pops into Styrofoam board to allow to set before serving,