Season flour with salt and pepper. Dredge the pork cutlets and sauté in the oil. Set aside when done.
Wipe out the pan, add fresh oil. Drop in the onions and season. As they start to cook , sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of sugar. When the sugar melts and the onions begin to brown add the peaches.
Add the other tablespoon. of sugar and let caramelize.
Add the bourbon and flame off. Season and finish by swirling in cold butter
12 2 oz cutlets Allegiance® Pork. Tenderloin
6 oz bourbon
2 oz Nature's Best Dairy® Butter, Salted
- oil
6 peach(es), peeled, cut into eights
1/2 Peak Fresh Produce® Onion(s), Red, sliced
- salt and pepper, to taste
1 cup West Creek® Flour
2 tbsp West Creek® Sugar, Granulated
Goat Cheese Grits
Bring the water and cream to a boil. Stir in the grits and season. Turn the grits down to a simmer. Simmer until cooked.
Stir in Cream Cheese and check seasoning.
Place a bed of grits on the plate. Place a spoonful of greens on the plate. Lean the pork on the grits.