Smothered Pork Belly Tots
Smothered Pork Belly Tots
- To prepare Smothered Pork Belly Tots, assemble them in the order of the given ingredients, ending with pulled pork and scallions.
- 12 oz. tater tots
- 2 oz. cheese, pimento
- 4 oz. Kentucky Bourbon Gravy, (see recipe below)
- 4 oz. pork, pulled
- 1 tbsp. scallions, biased cut
Kentucky Bourbon Gravy
- Prepare Chef’s Own® Brown Gravy Mix according to package directions.
- Whisk in Gold Label Kentucky-Style Bourbon Sauce until well blended.
- 1 1/2 cups Custom Culinary® Chef's Own® Brown Gravy Mix
- 1/2 cup Custom Culinary® Gold Label Kentucky-Style Bourbon Sauce