For many restaurants, Halloween can be a spookily snail-like date on the calendar, but for restaurants that offer pizza for delivery and takeout, Halloween is like the full-size candy bar in your bag — a big, sweet treat for operators everywhere.

In some years, Halloween has even edged out the pro football championship game as the most popular celebration of the year for ordering pizza. This is true for big chains as well as independent operators, so it’s important to put a plan in place that meets guest needs successfully.

Come Alive When the Clock Strikes Five

Thinking strategically about the evening, you can safely assume that most families and groups will order pizza earlier in the evening, between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m., so that they can eat before trick-or-treating or starting their Halloween festivities. If you expect to hit a high volume of pizza orders during that time, make sure you are double stocked on all your parts and have your A-team staff on hand to make the process smooth. Consider enlisting even more drivers than usual during peak delivery hours.

It may also be beneficial to promote your ideal order window to your audience, so consumers know the best time to order with you, ensuring they’ll be out the door in time for trick-or-treating. Consider taking (and incentivizing) pre-orders in advance so that you can better prepare for business on this busiest of nights.

All Hallows Pizza

Because Halloween has become such a popular day for takeout and delivery, it’s important to set your business apart with deals that drive traffic to you. Keep these specials playful and fun with a decidedly Halloween vibe. Here are some Halloween-related concepts:

Franken-Pie – Set your pizza apart with cute designs, like this Frankenstein-inspired pie or a jack-o’-lantern pizza featuring little mozzarella ghosts and pumpkins. Use Roma® Orecchiette di Mozzarella Buttons to make this easy-cheesy. You’ll win in two ways: First, you’ll attract customers looking for something fun and unique for their wee trick-or-treaters, and second, you’ll likely enjoy a boost on social media from people sharing your clever pies and tagging your business.

Monster Mash — Guests will appreciate the ability to buy more than just pizza in a convenient bundled deal. Combine one or more pizzas with drinks and a side order (like wings, breadsticks, or a salad) for one family-friendly meal.

I Know What You Did Last Halloween — Capture these one-time customers with a follow-up deal that’s available for a limited time. “Get one free appetizer with proof of pizza purchase on Halloween.” This converts a customer who may only engage with your brand one time into a repeat visitor.

The Candyman — Studies show that orders for candy spike right before and on Halloween, which suggests that consumers are using delivery services to secure bags of candy that they’ve forgotten to buy or have run out of. Capitalize on this by creating a promo that includes a bag of candy for orders over a certain amount, saving your guests from having to make an additional order elsewhere.

Get your costumes ready, and stock those shelves. It’s time to think bigger with deals that can accommodate groups, starring pizzas, beverages, and sides for a monster-good time.

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